A Father Figure Afar Off

Looking around me today, I see many sad faces. I share with all my heart the warm news of what it is like to come to earth as a daughter who has a father present at her birth or a father figure who adopts her. Former President John Jerry Rawlings was an outstanding father figure to Madam Sharon Alenda in all of the former President’s ways and personal goings. When we think of the many great men of our time and past eras. No other name strikes me as loyal as someone who has acted as a father to Sharon through his values, as well as his policy for women and children and his ethics and moral worth.

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Today I celebrate the life of the former president. Jerry John Rawlings who was an outstanding father figure to watch even from miles away. Former President Rawlings once said that domestic violence is shameful and he disapproves with all his power to hit a little girl in domestic violence and in other words he is the former president. Loves his daughters or children with all his heart. What a former Pres. Rawlings said he helped the girl strike a chord with many women and for a girl and a woman like Madam Sharon Nkengafac Alenda personally because she went for a few years to a faceless father to support her in her life or rather had a father of material means only but not in love. Sharon, a woman who struggled to understand the African term for daddy in a country like Africa! Today, as we salute all fathers, we thank the former president. Jerry John Rawlings and other men who dared to encourage the little girl in Sharon and other women to become leading ladies and women especially for raising our girls as healthier women.

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