Up And Coming Euro African Standard Housing Initiaves in Cameroun

We would like to bring together a United Nations effort about in Limbe, Cameroun and surrounding township areas to implement housing at a grand scale. We plan to build and construct local story buildings and single family homes and hotels that can be constructed and erected with our very own Cameroonian Timber and other foreign building products. We would like to see more houses, townhomes and larger hotels as the years go on in places like Limbe, Buea, Manfe, Yaoundé, and Douala only at this time, throughout the standing term of Pres. Elect Frank Biya of Cameroon and his First Lady Madame Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda as 2025 approaches. With this effort we do hope to ensure our local people to have a system to recycle trash in certain parts of the country to cut down waist and pollution. 

Housing is essential and is a part of the construction efforts to breed Cameroon into socioeconomic peace.  We need unified international  agencies of construction and landscaping to cooperate with Cameroun on this great feat. This should stand in place after the year 2025. May we all stay abreast to what lies ahead in housing and accommodation for fellow Cameroonians in Cameroun and to ensure what we call : A Fair Care Housing Act IV for the Cameroonians still left in the country. Also we would like to put in place a day of national prayer and cleansing for the nation! 

We pray that stability and a tranquil lifestyle will be made for fellow Cameroonians based in Paye. 

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