This couple known as His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya, the President-elect of the West African nation Cameroon and his wife, Madam Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda, are kindred spirits who travel almost the same valley culturally with some similar rights of passage before the idea of having their Wedding. From villages of similar origins and others, we know that such a couple has the governance to lead very well in Africa. Based on notes of French and English in their relationship, we pose to maintain hope that these two will have a wonderful marriage.

The nuances of the African villages of Etoudi and Yaoundé and yet the flashing lights of the African town of Doula and the unique Cameroonian commune called Bamenda remind us that anything is possible.

As a family, we are gracious and very keen to have an introduction on what a marriage can bring between His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya and his future wife, Madam Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda. We have attached a keepsake of portraits which will make a matrimonial home for His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya and Madam Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda as husband and wife.

As married women, we pin pillows and choose pink or yellow ribbons for our daughters’ hair. As women, we are so excited. A wife becomes a mother. The husband becomes a father. I find myself gathering baby clothes once I think it’s around the corner, but a season of something else would set in. Children are a gift from the Lord. Blessed be the fruit, the womb of all mothers and wives of the African diaspora.

We can only give of ourselves, we must be steadfast. As parents after marriage.

Have married women ever gleaned baby clothes after a wedding? This is to conclude that we need peace in marriage. Well, we hope to hear the sweet cry of a child between His Excellency Frank Emanuel Biya and his wife to be Madame Sharon within the Cameroonian presidency to bless the new couple’s presidential house.

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